1. Laravel is a modern MVC OOP PHP framework that speeds the development of fast, scalable and secure websites, applications and APIs
  2. Laravel makes short work of common features such as authentication, database management, file storage, email, notifications and much, much more
  3. Cashier, Socialite and Jetstream are a small sampling from Laravel's vast library of carefully maintained packages and ready-made solutions for almost any type of functionality you can imagine
  4. Laravel Forge, Envoyer and Vapor truly take the pain out of server management, zero-downtime deployments and infinite scalability
  5. Laravel is insanely well documented with a friendly, thriving developer community
  6. Resources including Laravel Bootcamp, Laracasts, Laracast Forums make it easy to get started and continually grow as a developer


Supernifty is a Laravel package that adds a Wordpress-style CMS to Laravel to provide non-technical users with familiar toolsets for content management.

So if your next web project requires both a modern PHP framework and a super nifty CMS, Laravel + Supernifty might be just what you're looking for.